
Blanka Szeitl

Blanka Szeitl

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Eötvös Loránd, Hungary

Zita Fellner

Zita Fellner

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Eötvös Loránd, Hungary

Eszter Katona

Eszter Katona

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Research Methodology

Emese Túry-Angyal

Emese Túry-Angyal

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Eötvös Loránd, Hungary

Jakab Buda

Jakab Buda

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Eötvös Loránd, Hungary

Survey Methods Room Budapest is a research group at the Department of Statistics, Faculty of Social Sciences, ELTE. The main profile of SMRB is the methodological investigation of survey data collection and the use of survey analysis methodology to answer empirical social science questions. This includes studies on sampling, weighting, and estimation. We also work with probability and non-probability samples as well as questionnaire experiments. Our projects include the design, evaluation and validation of new data collections and the development of indicators based on survey data relevant to empirical social science.

Junior researchers

Benedek Sarnyai

Benedek Sarnyai

He is a student of the master’s program in Survey Statistics and Data Analysis at ELTE and works as a junior market researcher at Scores Group. In addition to social sciences, he is a prose writer and a member of the Young Writers Association and the Carpathian Basin Talent Association.

Bernadett Nagy

Bernadett Nagy

After completing her BA in Sociology, she is currently a student of the master’s program in Survey Statistics and Data Analysis at ELTE. Within the world of data, she is particularly interested in biostatistics and data visualization. In addition to her studies, sport is an integral part of her life and she conducts group fitness training for ELTE students.

Hanka Lajos

Hanka Lajos

She has a bachelor’s degree in mathematics and in sociology. She is currently studying Survey Statistics and Data Analytics MSc at the ELTE Faculty of Social Sciences.

Tamás Mákos

Tamás Mákos

After graduating with a Bachelor of Commerce and Marketing, he spent 8 years in the industry, mainly in marketing technology and data analysis. He is currently studying for a master's degree in Survey Statistics and Data Analytics at ELTE. He is particularly interested in programming and network science.


Anna Kovács

Anna Kovács

She is a third-year student of the Bachelor of Sociology at ELTE. She is interested in learning new things, especially in data visualisation and market research. Besides her studies, she is involved in organising various events, such as a film club.

Nguyen Thi Phuong Nhi

Nguyen Thi Phuong Nhi

Nhi is from Vietnam. She is currently a sociology undergraduate, specializing in data-driven social sciences. She is very interested in working with data.

Rebeka Tóth

Rebeka Tóth

She is currently in her second year of her bachelor's degree in Sociology at ELTE. She is particularly interested in the world of data and the different methods of analysis and would like to continue her studies in survey statistics and data analytics.