2022. 12. 15.

Public opinion research methods in a new technological and social environment II.

ELTE TINLAB project second phase: January 2023 - January 2024

This project is a continuation of the research “Public opinion research methods in a new technological and social environment I.”. Based on Hungarian population parameters (regional internet penetration data, composite respondent attitudes and socio-demographic composition estimates), we implemented the international guidelines necessary for the correct and reliable conduct of research using online questionnaire data collection and data interpretation. We carried out simulation studies in order to highlight research questions for which online survey data can be used and the topics for which it may be misleading. Using face-to-face survey data, we defined theoretical subsamples of the population available offline and online, as well as evaluated the estimates derived from them.

The project was successfully completed in the first quarter of 2024, with the results summarized in a complex dashboard. This will provide an interactive visualisation of the data and results detailed above, which will soon be made available to both academia and civil spheres. In the meantime, we publish a figure showing the simulation results and the distribution of internet users by age group and education level.


Blanka Szeitl

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Statistics, ELTE

Zita Fellner

Assistant Lecturer, Department of Statistics, ELTE

Eszter Rita Katona

Assistant Professor, Department of Social Research Methodology, ELTE

Bernadett Nagy

Student, Survey Statistics and Data Analysis MSc, ELTE

Benedek Sarnyai

Student, Survey Statistics and Data Analysis MSc, ELTE

Anna Kovács

Student, Sociology BA, ELTE

Nguyen Thi Phuong Nhi

Student, Sociology BA, ELTE

Rebeka Tóth

Student, Sociology BA, ELTE