2024. 02. 20.

Grant from the University Excellence Fund (EKA)

We are pleased to announce that our research group has been awarded a grant from the University Excellence Fund (Egyetemi Kiválósági Alap, EKA). The title of the project is the following: "New Method to Improve Efficiency of Estimates in Survey Research: Accessibility-Based Post-Stratification".

The research will run for one year and will investigate the extent to which the accuracy of policy forecasts from survey data can be improved by a new post-stratification (data correction) procedure. The method divides respondents into groups according to how difficult they are to reach, and thus how "valuable" they are. The project also involves specific survey data collection and forecasting.

It seems to be a particularly exciting and current research topic in the year of the European Parliament and municipal elections!

You can find more detailed information about the project here.